instructional delivery services

...serving over 14,000 Ohio teachers since 2000


Sandra Weaver

Course Description:  This course will review special education law history and current trends and issues both federal and state.   Students will survey evidence-based strategies that research proves works in special and inclusive settings.  The class will study characteristics of diverse learners including students with disabilities and at-risk concerns.  It will explore the general educator’s role related to professional collaboration and curricular adaptations/modifications.


  1. Demonstrate knowledge of special education law

  2. Gain an understanding of the identification/characteristics of students with differing special needs.

  3. Gain knowledge of educational techniques and strategies that can be used in the general education setting to facilitate the successful inclusion of students with disabilities and other educational needs.

  4. Apply knowledge of education techniques and strategies to create instructional modification and accommodation to foster successful inclusion for students with disabilities and other educational needs in the general education/classroom setting.

  5. Exam intervention strategies to determine best practice approaches. 

  6.  Gain knowledge and understanding leading to an accepting and understanding attitude toward the role of the general educator in fostering inclusive practices, and toward inclusion of children with disabilities and other educational needs in the general education/classroom setting.


Instructional Methods

Readings, discussions, presentations, power points, videotapes  


American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th

ed.). Arlington, VA: Author.

ASCD Express. Volume 14. Issue 25. (May 2, 2019). Maximizing Special Education Partnerships. *

Bateman, David. Cline, Jennifer. (2016). A Teacher’s Guide to Special Education. Alexandria, VA: ASCD

Educational Leadership. (December 2015/January 2016). Co-Teaching Making It Work. ASCD *

James, Beverly. (2016). Your Classroom Guide to Special Education Law. Baltimore,, MD: Brookes

Lumen Learning.  (2020). Part 1 Educational History and Policy:  Individuals with Disabilities Act.

Mitchell, David. (2014) What Really Works in Special and Inclusive Education. (2nd Edition. ) New York, New York:  Routledge 

National Council on Disabilities. (February 7, 2018). IDEA Series: Every Student Succeeds Act and Students with Disabilities.

Ohio Department of Education. (January 14, 2022) Dyslexia Supports.

O’Leary, Winnie. (June 8, 2021).  Current Trends in Special Education 2021.

University of Massachusetts Global. (January 30, 2020). 4 Educational Laws and Policies Every Teacher Should Know.

US Department of Education. (September 30, 2021. Return to School Road Map: Development and Implementation of Individualized Education Programs.




Read:  4 Educational Laws and Policies Every Teacher Should Know.

SUBMISSION #1 Briefly describe important implications of each of the 4 laws/policies.

Read:  Part 1 Educational History and Policy:  Individuals with Disabilities Act.

  1. Background

  2. 6 Pillars 

  3. Important Relevant Issues

  4. Alignment with No Child Left Behind

  5. Early Intervention

SUBMISSION #2 Based on the History/Background of Special Education 1. put together a timeline with highlights of each event; 2. under IDEA briefly summarize each of the 6 pillars; 3. record things to consider when discipling a student with an IEP.

REVIEW Power Point – ESSA (attachment)

READ IDEA Series: “Chapter 1: ESSA Provision Specific to Students with Disabilities

ACTIVITY: Comparing ESSA with NCLB Puzzle/Fill in chart SUBMISSION #3

    You will be making a comparison chart of ESSA and NCLB

  1. Cut out the puzzle pieces (ESSA vs NCLB puzzle pieces attachment)

  2. Place on ESSA vs NCLB framework (attachment);

  • the numbers in the boxes indicate the number of pieces needed in each category i.e. Annual Testing: ESSA 6/NCLB 4

  • 3 of the categories have the same piece – both ESSA and NCLB require the same item

  1. Take a picture of the finished chart OR write/type in the corresponding letter(s)/number s) in each box. 



Read:  US Department of Education. (September 30, 2021. Return to School Road Map: Development and Implementation of Individualized Education Programs.

Make sure you click on the questions for topics A and B. For the remaining topics after reading the short descriptions, choose at least two questions to click on to review answers.

SUBMISSION #4 Your reaction, points of interest. Did you learn anything new?

Read:  O’Leary, Winnie. (June 8, 2021).  Current Trends in Special Education 2021.

SUBMISSION #5  Thoughts???

Visit Ohio Department of Education website to investigate Ohio’s Plan to Improve Learning Experiences and Outcomes for Students with Disabilities. 

 Go to WORKGROUP. (If you are curious….members of each workgroup are listed on page 35 of - document to the right on the page)

SUBMISSION #6  Briefly review each Workgroup’s focus.  Add any comments you have.

Ohio’s New Special Education Law: Dyslexia Support

Read the page and then click on “Dyslexia and Support Frequently Asked Questions

SUBMISSION #7 How might this law effect you as an educator?


Watch You Tube video:  Dr, Norman Doidge- “The Power of Thought”

SUBMISSION #8 What are some crucial points? Implications

Watch Video:  John Gabrieli (MIT) – “How Cognitive Neuroscience May Help Children”

SUBMISSION #9 What are some crucial points? Implications


**There are a variety of experimental programs available.  Here is one that I thought sounded promising.

Watch You Tube - Barbara Arrowsmith Young – Ted Talk “The Woman Who Changed Her Brain

SUBMISSION #10 What breaks Barbara’s heart?  What’s her vision?  Your reaction to both these answers.

Watch: You Tube: Arrowsmith School Introduction Video

Visit Arrowsmith School Website

  1. Click on Neuroplasticity and review 

  2. Click on  Home. Scroll down page and click on Programs and review  the various programs offered

3.   Go to At-Home Programs.  Click on Learning Difficulties Addressed.  Review Descriptions of    Learning Dysfunctions.

4.   Click on Home and click on Recognize the Signs and review

5.  Click on PROFESSIONALS & EDUCATORS drop down menu and  click on Implementation Guide Review 

6.   Then click on FAQ

SUBMISSSION #11 For each of the 6 items,  share your questions /or implications for learning.



Read What Works introduction pp. 10 (attachment)

Review Powerpoint What Works Introduction (attachment)

    Research components

    Strategies (attachment)

Strategy #1 Cooperative Learning

    Power Point “Example Strategy Presentation-Cooperative Learning. 

Needed for powerpoint as directed in slides: 1. Positive Interdependence Quiz  (attachment) then open up Positive Interdependence Quiz Answers (attachment) to check your work.  2. Build It activity (attachment) and Instructions (attachment) 


ASSIGNMENT #1  (see Strategy#1 example attachment)

  1. Choose 2 strategies from the list of 27 strategies you would like to explore.  

  2. Email Sandy ( the number and name of each strategy. She will then email you the 2 chapters.

  3. Prepare a powerpoint for each strategy.  Incorporate:  Underlying ideas, research, important features as discussed in the chapter. (Sandy will email/share this with other students in the class)

  4. Design/share an activity that illustrates how the strategy could be incorporated in a classroom.  Write out the instructions and include any handouts. (Sandy will email/share this with other students in the class)


Robert Marzano:  9 High Yield Instructional Strategies 

Read “Getting Acquainted with the Essential Nine” (attachment)

Watch Video: You Tube Marzano’s High Yield Instructional Strategies

Robert Marzano: Vocabulary Development

Review PowerPoint (Attachment) 

SUBMISSION #12 Complete Study Guide (attachment)


ASSIGNMENT #2 Issue/topic of interest:  Research topic of interest; This could also be research on different programs available for special needs students like the Arrowsmith Program.  Write a 2 page paper summarizing your research on your topic/issue of interest.  Include at least 3 references.  


ASSIGNMENT #3 Disability Review  - Choose a disability that may not be so common:

  • Angelman Syndrome

  • Cerebral Palsy

  • Fragile X

  • Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome

  • Smith Magenis Syndrome

  • Tourette Syndrome

  • Williams Syndrome

Prepare 1-2 pages which includes: Description, Prevalence, Characteristics, Education/Home Implications, Strategies/Interventions (see attachment with example).  Find either 3 websites or a video to explain/depict the disability you are researching.  This will be emailed to all students by Sandy.





Submissions 1-12 = 50 points

Assignment 1 Strategy = 30 points

Assignment 2 Topic/Interest = 30 points

Assignment 3 Disability Review = 20 points


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