instructional delivery services

...serving over 14,000 Ohio teachers since 2000




Craig Weaver



Course Description:  Successful coaching and mentoring depend on developing a positive working relationship between mentor and mentee. Candidates will learn how to create a positive climate that enhances professional development through collaboration.  The effective delivery of feedback will be explored as essential consultation skills are developed.  Participants will reflect on their own interpersonal skills throughout the course.  Problem identification and problem solving methods will be studied.


Teacher Leader Standards (TLS) Addressed:

Standard 1.

Teacher Leader Candidates know and demonstrate skill in evidence-based principles of effective leadership ad teacher learning.

1.3 Candidates understand and apply strategies that assist adult learning and development.

1.4 Candidates respect the diversity of the school staff, teachers, administrators and other personnel.

1.5 Candidates engage in reflective practice concerning leadership roles and responsibilities, and encourage reflective practice in others.

1.7 Candidates facilitate the development of efficacy among other teachers in their school and district.


Standard 2.

Teacher Leader candidates promote the use of data-based decisions and evidence-based practice.

2.2 Candidates collaboratively analyze assessment data to plan and implement differentiated instruction to meet student needs.

2.5 Candidates identify resources (including instructional technology) and research-based strategies to support the assess-plan-teach-reassess cycle.


Standard 3.

Teacher Leader candidates facilitate a collaborative learning culture.

3.1 Candidates coach and model collaborative efforts to share knowledge and demonstrate interdisciplinary instruction among teachers.

3.3 Candidates work with stakeholders to identify appropriate resources for enhancing collaboration.


Standard 4.

Teacher Leader candidates participate in developing and supporting a shared vision and clear goals for their schools.

4.2 Candidates advocate for and initiate increased opportunities for teamwork to promote and support student achievement and other school goals.


Standard 5.

Teacher Leader Candidates promote and model ongoing professional learning and improved practice within a learning community.

5.2 Candidates work effectively with individuals and groups of teachers by demonstrating the skills and competencies needed to teach adult learners.

5.3 Candidates demonstrate skills in serving as mentors and coaches to others.

5.5 Candidates engage in activities that promote reflective practice in others.

5.6 Candidates model professional, ethical behavior and expect it from others.


Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession (OSTP) Addressed:

Standard 2.

Teachers know and understand the content area for which they have instructional responsibility.


Standard 3.

Teachers understand and use varied assessments to inform instruction, evaluate and ensure student learning.


Standard 4.

Teachers plan and deliver effective instruction that advances the learning of each individual student.


Standard 6.

Teachers collaborate and communicate with students, parents, other educators, administrators and the community to support student learning.


Standard 7.

Teachers assume responsibility for professional growth, performance and involvement as an individual and as a member


Course Objectives:

1.Analyze the research base for high quality coaching and mentoring – TLS-3.1; OSTP-7

2.Describe the components of effective coaching – TLS-3.1; OSTP-7

3.Demonstrate effective use of coaching and mentoring protocols – TLS-3.1, 5.3; OSTP-7

4.Recognize the importance of building positive working relationships – TLS-1.7; OSTP-6

5.Explain how to work towards enhanced collaboration – TLS-1.7, 3.3, 5.2; OSTP-6

6.Design and implement processes, procedures and protocols to augment teachers’ learning-TLS-1.3; OSTP-7

7.Effectively lead a professional group – TLS-4.2; OSTP-6

8.Develop a professional development plan based upon a needs assessment and reflection on the effectiveness of the professional development plan – TLS-3.2, 4.2; OSTP-7

9.Assist teachers to improve instruction based on school goals and diagnostic assessment – TLS-2.2, 2.5; OSTP-3

10.Demonstrate the ability to apply specific models of effective instruction –TLS-2.5; 0STP-2,4

11.Demonstrate the ability to assess the application of effective instructional principles – TLS-2.5; OSTP-3

12.Demonstrate effective feedback strategies – TLS-2.5; OSTP-6

13.Reflect on the characteristics of effective coaches and mentors including listening, providing constructive feedback and collaboration – TLS-1.5, 5.5; OSTP-6, 7

14.Demonstrate efficacy during the coaching and mentoring process – TLS- 5.6; OSTP-6

15.Articulate the learning needs of diverse adult learners – TLS-1.3; OSTP-6

16.Conduct coaching processes in a manner that treats teachers and students fairly, equitably and respectfully – TLS-1.4;OSTP-7


Required Text:

Toll, Cathy A. (2018).   Educational Coaching:  A Partnership for Problem Solving. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. (STUDENTS MUST PURCHASE)


Ohio Teacher Leader Standards

Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession

Ohio Standards for Professional Development


Supplemental Text/Readings (Not Required):

Aguilar, E. (2013). The art of coaching. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Carr, J., Herman, N., Harris, D. (2005). Creating dynamic schools through mentoring,

coaching and collaboration. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Cheliotes, L., Reilly, M. (2010). Coaching conversations:  Transforming your

school one conversation at a time. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.

Costa, A., Garmston, R. (2002). Cognitive coaching:  A foundation for

renaissance schools. Christopher-Gordon.

Danielson, C. (2007). Enhancing professional practice: A framework for teaching (2nd

Ed). Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Gibson, S. (2006). Lessons observation and feedback: The practice of an expert

reading coach. Reading research and instruction, 45(4), 295-318.

Knight, Jim. (2021), The Learning Zone: Should Coaches be Experts. ASCD

Marzano, R., Simms, J. (2012). Coaching classroom instruction. Bloomington,

IN: Marzano Research Laboratory.

Edwards, J. (2014). Cognitive coaching:  A synthesis of the research.





What is Coaching?

1.1 SUBMISSION #1-  Watch video:  Atul Gawande, "Want to get great? Get a coach!"  Record key points.

1.2 SUBMISSION #2. Read Article: Should Coaches Be Experts;

After reading the article answer the question, "Do you think coaches should be experts?"

1.3 Submission #3 – Toll:  Educational Coaching read pp. 5-10. 

What are the 6 components of coaching presented?


Qualities of an Effective Coach

2.1 SUBMISSION #4 -  What are the qualities of an effective coach? 

Brainstorm/list your thoughts.

2.2 SUBMISSION #5 – Toll:  Educational Coaching read  pp. 10-15.

 According to Toll, what are the qualities of effective coaches?  For each quality, explain what that quality looks like/important points to remember.


Coaching Models

3.1 SUBMISSION #6 – Toll: Educational Coaching read pp. 16-24. 

Research 1 coaching model (ie. Cognitive Coaching, GROW, Knight's Big Four, or any other model you find). 

A) Describe important components of the model. 

B) Which focus based on Toll's chart from p.21 Figure 2.1 does it fit?


Intellectual Coaching Model

4.1 SUBMISSION #7 – Toll: Educational Coaching read pp. 25-29.

Answer the KEY question as a teacher:  "When you think about the learning you want your students to do and the teaching you want to do, what gets in the way?"

4.2 SUBMISSION #8 – Toll: Educational Coaching read pp. 29-32 (Understanding).  What is important to do in this phase?

4.3 Toll: Educational Coaching read pp. 32-38 (Deciding and Trying).

4.4 SUBMISSION #9 – Toll: Educational Coaching read pp. 39-55. 

What are the important points you can use from this reading in your coaching conversations?


Behavioral Coaching Model

5.1 SUBMISSION #10 - Teacher leaders/coaches need to understand how an instructional delivery service (lesson plan) connects with content to achieve an objective. Having a lesson plan format/framework is essential.  Please review an example of an instructional delivery framework (IDS Instructional Framework) along with an example of the IDS Instructional Framework put into practice.

For your submission provide your version of an instructional framework and an example of it applied to the content of your choice.


5.2 SUBMISSION #11 - Another essential skill for teacher leaders/coaches is to know what the "Big Picture" looks like.  We know that effective instruction is not just executing a lesson plan.  There are many other essentials skills needed in order to run an effective classroom.  Brainstorm/list components of effective instruction.  What makes a teacher GREAT?

5.3 SUBMISSION #12 - Review 2 examples of "Components of Effective Instruction" (Weaver and Fiocco).  In each of the 2 examples, the components are in BOLD and "evidence" or "indicators" of the components are bulleted or lettered.  You might also want to review your district's teacher evaluation instrument or elements of effective instruction. 

For your submission, create your own "DRAFT" of Components of Effective Instruction instrument complete with components and evidence/indicators.  You will be utilize

ng this "DRAFT" in several assignments before having the opportunity to edit and submit a FINAL copy.

5.4 SUBMISSION  #13 - Now let's begin observing some teachers!!  Watch Dead Poet's Society video clip from the "Carpe Diem. Seize the Day" scene.  As you watch, record what you observe as 1) positive instructional techniques or practices and 2) items the instructor may want to work on in the future.

5.5 SUBMISSION #14 - Read "How Will You Teach Evidence Collection?". Give 3 of your own examples of "Evidence is..." then "Interpretation is...." as modeled in Figure 17.

5.6 SUBMISSION #15 - Practice evidence collection!  Using WEAVER 9 Components of Effective Instruction (5.2), review the sixth component "Respond to student misunderstanding " and the indicators for this component. You will be using this component as you  observe Seinfeld teaching a lesson on WWII.  Record evidence of indicators - positive or negative. Try to use "Evidence Collection Techniques Figure 19 from 5.5  Feel free to watch the video again if you want!

5.7 SUBMISSION #16 - In this assignment, you will be using your own DRAFT of Components of Effective Instruction to gather evidence.  Choose 2 components that you will use to gather evidence on as you watch a video clip from the website below.

Choice a segment (blue text) to watch as you record evidence on the 2 components you are targeting.  As you gather evidence remember it can be support or non-supporting/lacking.  Also make certain your comment is EVIDENCE not INTERPRETATION. 

SUBMISSION #17 - Repeat 5.7 process with a different video segment.  You can choose different components to observe if you want.



6.1 SUBMISSION #18 - Watch the Ted Talk "The Secret to Giving Great Feedback".  Record several elements you might consider using.

6.2 SUBMISSION 19 - Read the articles:  1)  "Ensuring that Feedback is Well-Received",  2)  "Clarifying the Qualities of Effective Feedback with Examples, 3)  "Why Even the Best Feedback Can Bring Out the Worst in Us".  Record implications/thoughts on these 3 articles.



Develop your own behavioral coaching model.  Free free to include any of the ideas presented in this course.

Your plan can be presented as a diagram or outline as long as each phase is described.  It can be a combination of several models - ie. behavioral, intellectual/problem solving. 

You will be using part/entire plan when you do your observations.  (See Project #2)




You will be doing 2 different classroom observations with 2 different teachers. Remember to follow your coaching model.  See below for instructions (process).


Submit evidence collection/notes from each observation. Include first name of teacher observed, grade level, subject, topic and objective along with the notes.

·       (Share your "Components of Effective Instruction" with indicators with the teacher you will be observing.

·       Have the teacher choose 2 components that they would like you to give them feedback on.

·       Collect evidence on the 2 chosen components.

·       Give feedback to the teacher, sharing the evidence you collected.

·       Give suggestions.



Reflection on your observation experiences.

1.  Did you execute your coaching model? What might you change if anything?

2.  What went well?

3.  What were you uncomfortable with?

4.  What would you change next time?


FINAL PROJECT #4  Revised/Final copy of Components of Effective Instruction

Submit your final copy!!




Submissions 1-17  = 335 Points

Project #1 Behavioral Coaching Model  = 100 Points

Project #2 Two Peer Observations = 200 Points

Project #3 Self Reflection = 25 Points

Project #4 Components of Effective Instruction = 50 Points






40 - 50 POINTS

39 - 20 POINTS

29 – 10 POINTS


Instrument contains most elements of effective coaching.

Instrument contains several elements of effective coaching.

Instrument contains limited elements of effective coaching.


Items are written with detail and clarity.

Items are written with some detail and clarity.

Items are written with little detail and clarity

Total points




Project Total





Rubric for Peer Observations


20- 25 points

10- 19 points

4-9 points

Topics of Discussion

Topics are delineated and clear. Topics are relevant and student oriented. Discussions are well-documented including comments from all participants.


Topics are noted. Some topics are not targeted to teacher’s growth or student oriented.  Discussions may lack details.

Limited topics discussed.  Many topics are not student oriented or related to coaching and mentoring. Discussions may not include all participants.

Plan of Action

 Action plan demonstrates use of teacher and student data as bases for selecting goals. Goals are well articulated and aligned with the needs assessment and teacher and student data.

Action plan uses some of the teacher and student data as bases for selecting goals.  Goals may not all align with needs assessment and collected data.

Action plan uses limited data as basis.  Goals are not clear and are missing needed SMART goal components.

Evidence Collection

Evidence is supported by observable behavior.

Most of the evidence is supported by observable behavior.  Some statements are subjective.

Only some of the evidence is supported by observable behavior. Most of statements are subjective.

Constructive Feedback

Detailed evidence of constructive feedback based on set goals. Feedback follows effective feedback guidelines.

Evidence of constructive feedback.  Feedback may be based on goals but does not contain all guidelines for effective feedback.

Feedback is noted but it may not always be detailed or based on goals.  Many effective feedback guidelines are missing.

Total points




Project Total








18- 25 POINTS

10-17 POINTS

 2- 9 POINTS


Reflection on coaching and mentoring experience is detailed.  Strengths and weaknesses are addressed.  Detailed professional growth goals are written based upon reflection.





Reflection on coaching and mentoring may not include all facets of experience.  Some strengths and/or weaknesses are addresses.  Plan may not reflect various areas of needed growth.

Reflection is superficial.  Strengths and weaknesses are mentioned but no details are given.  Plan is not cohesive and does not address areas of growth effectively.

Total points




Project Total






Rubric for Components of Effective Instruction



18- 25 POINTS

10-17 POINTS

 2- 9 POINTS


Instrument contains most elements of effective coaching.

Instrument contains several elements of effective coaching.

Instrument contains limited elements of effective coaching.


Items are written with detail and clarity.

Items are written with some detail and clarity.

Items are written with little detail and clarity

Total points




Project Total
















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