instructional delivery services

...serving over 14,000 Ohio teachers since 2000

Diverse Technology Applications

Presenter: Sharron Williams MS JD

All materials are copyright pending and may not be distributed or copied without the written permission of the author.

Office Hours: By Appointment via email

Unleash your educator super-powers” while using diverse applications of technology. Using these tech” applications along with culturally responsive instruction provides opportunities to review and support the use of seven downloadable apps” for simulations, gamification, collaborative project-based learning and student social-emotional support. Lessons become active and engaging, while achieving grade level or content area objectives. Student diversity is an asset and students’ “cultural capital” can embellish instruction. Teachers have the opportunities for real-time formative assessment through the use of quantitative and qualitative feedback resulting from the use of these apps”.
|Course Objectives:
Basic Cognitive Background:
Review research to access information about Culturally Responsive Pedagogy”.

Develop knowledge of specific web applications which are appropriate for the grade or content area.

Intellectual Development:

Think logically, analytically, and creatively about curriculum planning and curriculum issues.

Communicate effectively in speech and writing.

Conduct a personal review of the teachers technology skill-set to increase uses of downloadable computer-based and cell phone applications for learning.

Think logically, analytically and creatively about curriculum planning using culturally responsive strategies.

Application of Learning:

Create an evaluation of student profiles and learning styles for two students from present or previous classes.

Design at least two major learning goals which will be addressed in a mini-lessons using choices from the seven technology-based learning applications presented in this class.

This study is organized into modules which review specific applications of technology for classroom use.

All submissions and answers to the questions in each module, should be submitted in our Google Classroom. The Google Classroom code will be sent to students after registration and verification of admission to the class.

Module I

Technology Self-Assessment

Essential Question: How does knowledge of TPACK affect educator integration of technology?

Enduring Understanding: TPACK identifies the confluence of content and technology, thereby enabling educators to use these areas of interaction to implement appropriate Ed-tech applications.

This first module is an evaluation of your TPACK. TPACK is a technology

integration framework that identifies three types of knowledge instructors combine for successful EdTech” integration—technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge. (Ohio Department of Education).

Read: Instructional Technology in Computer Science:

Sections for Instructional Technology and Diverse Learners>Science>Instructional-Technology-in Science Oct.30,2023.

TPACK in 2 minutes

View the video What is the TPACK Model?” CommonSense Education YouTube

Read the class document: How to use TPACK for Teaching and Learning


Academic Questions: Please answer with a minimum of 1 typed page (150 words) APA style double spaced. The 150 words is a combined requirement not an individual requirement for each


Deadline for submitting this Module I Assignment:

*You can number and answer in list form. Remember to document your sources.

Topic: Learning to use TPACK in lesson planning and web applications as support for your lesson presentations.

Academic Questions: Please answer with a minimum of 1 typed page (150 words) APA

style double spaced. The 150 words is a combined requirement not an individual requirement for each question.

1.     Select a content area or learning objective which is required for your current teaching and learning practice. (CK)

2.     What instructional strategy(s) will you use to present the content to students? (PK). (i.e., direct instruction, collaborative learning, reciprocal teaching, experiential learning, independent study) (some examples not mutually exclusive.)

3.     What assessments will you use? (Portfolios, quizzes, oral reports, presentations, tests)

(some examples not mutually exclusive.) (PK).

4.     What tools will you use? (TK) What technology applications?

5.     Upon reflection of the TPACK model, where do you find areas for improvement, CK, PK and/or TK?

6.     What collaborations with other grade or content area educators would be beneficial to increasing TPACK in your instructional setting?

Reference:  Instructional Technology in Computer Science. Ohio Department of Education

Module II Learning About the Technology

Essential Question: Why use educational technology in the classroom?

Enduring Understanding: Educational technology is a digitized support to provide engaging, effective instruction, helping students to have better access to information, develop 21st century skills of communication, collaboration and problem solving, while also meeting the needs of diverse learners.

Read the class document: Primer for Previewing Educational Applications (located in our Google Classroom).

Read the completed rubric example in our Google Classroom. This was one way by which a former student began completing the Module II assignment.

Preview each tech application by accessing the website.








Academic Questions: Please answer with a minimum of 1 typed page (150 words) APA

style double spaced. The 150 words is a combined requirement not an individual requirement for each question.

NOTE: Specific directions for researching each application will be given after you are

registered for the class. These directions are step by step and very clear as to how to begin researching each site. (Preview Primer).

Creating a rubric to answer these questions is acceptable and recommended. Example:

See also our Google Classroom example.



Analysis Rubric



Thinking Skills


Simulations, gamifications, videos, hybrid learning

















As you review these applications your answer should include each question within each category: Relevance, Customization, Thinking Skills, Feedback for teachers and students, Simulations, gamifications, videos and hybrid learning.

Relevance- How does this align with the goals or standards you use in your classes? Student profiles can easily be used in differentiation? Would your students find this engaging? Why or why not?

Customization-Can you adapt this app” easily for use in your instruction? Ease of use?

Thinking Skills-Are critical thinking skills (analysis, interpretation, inference, explanation, communication, collaboration, critical thinking and problem-solving), addressed?

Feedback for teachers and students – Is feedback included in the app”? Feedback which can be communicated to parents?

Simulations, gamifications, videos, hybrid learning – Does the app” create or support these?

Reference:Technology Integration Assessment Rubric123 /Resources-for-English-Language-Arts/Technology-Integration-in-English-Language-Arts/TPCKRu bric.pdf.aspx

Deadline for submitting this Module Assignment:*Note the example in our class Google Classroom

Module III

Culturally Responsive Pedagogy

Essential Question: Why is culturally responsive pedagogy essential for studentseducational efficacy?

Enduring Understanding: Culturally responsive pedagogy is designed to provide benefits both cognitive and social for all students. Using the educational philosophy for student-centered learning”, culturally responsive pedagogy can promote inclusion, engagement, growth and achievement.

Culturally Responsive Pedagogy uses these principles: Positive perspectives on parents and families, communication of high expectations, learning within the context of culture, student-centered instruction, culturally mediated instruction, reshaping the curriculum and teacher as facilitator.” (Ladson-Billings) (1994).

Culturally Teaching and the Brain, Promoting Authentic Engagement and Rigor Among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students. Zaretta Hammond Corwin Publications (2015) Building Awareness and Knowledge. Climbing out of the Gap. Part I-I.


5 Culturally Responsive Teaching Strategies. Kristin Burnham July 31, 2020

15 Culturally-Responsive Teaching Strategies and Examples + Downloadable List Creating Learner Profiles Academic Questions: Please answer with a minimum of 1 typed page (150 words) APA

style double spaced. The 150 words is a combined requirement not an individual requirement for each question.

Question 1

What are some culturally responsive teaching strategies (minimum 2)

Question 2

A.   Create and submit a student profile for 2 different students in your class, past or present. You may use a previously created profile or use the example profile provided in our Google Classroom.

B.    After creating a student profile for each of these 2 students, which strategy from the information in Module III is most interesting to you and why? (Remember fictitious names only).

Question 3

What is cultural capital and how could a teachers knowledge of studentscultural capital assist in instruction?

Knowledge, behaviors, and skills accumulate to form assets known as cultural capital that individuals rely on to make sense of and interact with all aspects of society. Drawing on cultural capital is more than celebrating select holidays or sharing ethnic foods, it is building on the strengths of students and families to further success.

It can be difficult for educators to address the diverse backgrounds of every child, especially if the community they serve is different from their own, but engaging with families regularly helps form an understanding of what the community values and brings to the table.

They also agreed that their students bring background knowledge from their own cultures and languages to the classroom that can help drive connections.


Cultural Capital: Drawing on Student Experiences to Inform Teaching

Deadline for submitting this Module Assignment:

Module IV


Essential Question: How does instruction which incorporates Ed-tech enhance learning? Enduring Understanding: Technology when used as a support for focused instruction helps

students of different learning profiles to engage, collaboration, and innovate. Differentiation strategies are supported by multiple learning platforms.

Academic Question: Please answer with a minimum of 1 typed page (150 words)

APA style double spaced.

In Module II you previewed seven Ed-tech applications.

In this Module you will create a mini-lesson using at least two of the applications from Module which best align with your instructional goals.

You should select two applications from Module II.

Remember TPACK.

●      What is your content knowledge for the mini-lesson? (CK)

●      What are instructional strategies? (PK)

Which of the seven, Ed-tech application(s), would you use to create a mini lesson? Why? List the academic standard for the lesson? List the title of the lesson? State the student population for this lesson? (i.e., grade, subject area, virtual, hybrid, students with disabling handicaps, gifted)?

Deadline for submitting this Module Assignment: April 6,2024.


Creating Learner Profiles

Culturally Responsive Teaching: Brown University, Gloria Ladson-Billings Dreamkeepers”


Framework for 21st Century Learning

Technology Integration Assessment Rubric

Harris, J. Grandgenett, N & Hoefer, M. (2010). Testing a TPACK-based technology

integration assessment instrument. In C.D. Maddux, D. Gibson & B. Dodge (Eds.) Research highlights in technology and teacher education 2010(pp.323-331). Chesapeake, Va: Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE).

Instructional Technology in Computer Science. Ohio Department of Education



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