instructional delivery services

...serving over 14,000 Ohio teachers since 2000

Educator Wellness                              

Instructor:  Kelly Moran, Ed.D. 
Cell Phone: (440) 376-0673                               

Office hours:  anytime, simply send an email.  I will respond within 24-48 hours.        


ED594Z is designed to enhance and grow the intellectual capacity of paraprofessionals, teachers, administrators, and district leaders in the domain of Employee Health and Wellness.  Participants will engage in intellectual and reflective experiences that will broaden their knowledge on wellness, wellbeing, and healthy workplace environments.  Participants will consider how wellness impacts teacher and school effectiveness as well as our local, state, and national educational systems.   This course will address how individual educators as well  as school organizations as a whole, can develop and implement evidence based health practices that help to increase and accelerate well being, happiness, and quality of life.

Ohio’s Strategic Plan for Education, ODE’s Each Child, Our Future, includes 10 priority strategies that support accessible and quality learning experiences for children.  Of the ten strategies, three apply specifically to excellent educators and instructional practices.  We cannot expect teachers and leaders to perform their best if they are not in good physical, mental, and emotional health. This course aligns with the three educator strategies in the state’s plan (outlined below) as it affords teacher leaders the skills, content, and experiences necessary in growing and refining their personal and collective health and wellness knowledge and practices.  

The following are the Excellent Educators & Instructional Practices referenced in ODE’s strategic plan:

Strategy 1: Increase the supply of highly effective teachers and leaders and provide supports to ensure they are effective or highly effective.

Strategy 2: Support every principal to be highly effective—especially those leading schools that serve the neediest children

Strategy 3:  Improve targeted supports and professional learning so teachers can deliver excellent instruction today, tomorrow and throughout their careers.

In addition, The Ohio Department of Education has created a Supporting School Wellness Toolkit that reminds educators that “it is okay to ask for help” and that it is important for all educators to “be ready to respond to those who need additional support.”  This course aligns with the Supporting School Wellness Toolkit in that it prioritizes informing educators on the current data and trends surrounding health and wellness alongside viable strategies for support, management, and improvement. 



Candidates will learn to use analytical practices to critically review and critique data analysts have collected and studied regarding workplace stress.   The course will provide participants with the knowledge and skills needed to understand and support a healthier lifestyle that includes both professional responsibilities and personal choices.   Contents that will be covered include:  burnout and turnover, the link between wellness and performance, and effects of stress on the heart, brain, weight, and relationships.  Participants will learn what the data says about the current teaching force in America in regards to stress, red flags and warning signs, and resources and strategies to experience a healthier state of existence in the workplace. The course will provide educational professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to support individual and/or school wide wellness initiatives and best practices for preventing deteriorating health conditions. 

This is a 100% online asynchronous class and no face to face meetings are required to complete this course. 


This syllabus may be modified at any time by the instructor.  The class will be informed of any changes, but it is the responsibility of the students to make themselves aware of these changes. Please contact me in case of any confusion, concern or question. 


All required readings are linked in the  assignment document.


National and State Standards

Knowledge Objectives

Learning Tasks

Assessment Tasks

Standard Alignment (OSTP, ILA) 

Evidence that demonstrates competence includes the ability to:

Course objectives are 

introduced & explored through:

Course objectives are assessed through:


ILA 1.1

ILA 4.2 

Define stress and burnout



Article Readings

Discussion Posts

Assigned Readings

Discussion Posts

Lesson Quizzes

Graphic Organizers

Written Reflections

OSTP 2             

ILA 2.3

Restate a minimum of three facts about educator wellness and teacher turnover



Article Readings

Discussion Posts

Assigned Readings

Discussion Posts

Lesson Quizzes

Graphic Organizers

Written Reflections


ILA 2.3

Differentiate between workplace stress effects on the brain and workplace stress effects on the heart



Article Readings

Discussion Posts

Assigned Readings

Discussion Posts

Lesson Quizzes

Graphic Organizers

Written Reflections


ILA 2.3 

Disprove widely held myths that mental health supports are only for those who are labeled as clinically depressed



Article Readings

Discussion Posts

Assigned Readings

Discussion Posts

Lesson Quizzes

Graphic Organizers

Written Reflections


ILA 2.2

List (a min of) three red flags /warning signs of physical effects of workplace stress 



Article Readings

Discussion Posts

Assigned Readings

Discussion Posts

Lesson Quizzes

Graphic Organizers

Written Reflections

OSTP 2,4,5

ILA 2.2               

ILA 4.3 

Explore tools to improve workplace wellbeing



Article Readings

Discussion Posts

Assigned Readings

Discussion Posts

Lesson Quizzes

Graphic Organizers

Written Reflections

OSTP 1,2,4

ILA 1.1 

Identify elements in the workplace that can be amended to promote healthier living and greater wellbeing



Article Readings

Discussion Posts

Assigned Readings

Discussion Posts

Lesson Quizzes

Graphic Organizers

Written Reflections

OSTP 2, 4        

ILA 2.3

State what to avoid in a school setting to help prevent and remediate increased cases of teachers burnout 



Article Readings

Discussion Posts

Assigned Readings

Discussion Posts

Lesson Quizzes

Graphic Organizers

Written Reflections



Students are expected to actively engage in online class discussions, article readings, online tasks, and individual assignments.  Students are also encouraged to ask questions and use analytical reflection and conceptual skills to develop their own thoughts and conclusions on how to apply learned concepts to their respective work environments. 

Class participation rubric:  3 Credit Educator Wellness Participation Rubric



➤Assignment one (read) - a  reading assignment.

➤Assignment two (lecture) - an assignment in which you will watch a short recorded lecture by the professor.

➤Assignment three (watch) - a viewing assignment in which you will watch a posted video.

➤Assignment four (create)- an artifact posting assignment.  You  will be required to post an artifact you create related to a given prompt or participate in a discussion post with classmates.

➤Assignment five (session quiz)- a knowledge check on the content covered.  This Google form will consist of 3 questions. 




30  points

Artifact Assignments (12 total)

12 points each / 144 points total

Session Quizzes (11 total) 

6 points each / 66 points total 

Post Test 

66 points

Final Project

80 points 


Total course points available - 386


1. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2022). Table A-1: Employment Status of civilian population by sex and age. Retrieved from: empsit.t01.htm

2. Well Being In the Nation Network. (n.d.). Vital conditions. Retrieved from https://

3. Kleine, A.-K., Rudolph, C. W., & Zacher, H. (2019). Thriving at work: A meta-analysis. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 40(9-10), 973-999. https://doi. org/10.1002/job.2375

4. Adams, J. M. (2019). The value of worker well-being. Public Health Reports, 134(6), 583–586. Sagepub.

5. Peters, S. E., Dennerlein, J. T., Wagner, G. R., & Sorensen, G. (2022). Work and worker health in the post-pandemic world: A public health perspective. The Lancet Public Health, 7(2).

6. Reddy, K. P., Schult, T. M., Whitehead, A. M., & Bokhour, B. G. (2021). Veterans Health Administration’s whole health system of care: Supporting the health, well-being, and resiliency of employees. Global Advances in Health and Medicine, 10, 21649561211022698.

7. Jetha, A., Shamaee, A., Bonaccio, S., Gignac, M., Tucker, L. B., Tompa, E., ... Smith, P. M. (2021). Fragmentation in the future of work: A horizon scan examining the impact of the changing nature of work on workers experiencing vulnerability. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 64(8), 649–666. ajim.23262

8. Lovejoy, M., Kelly, E. L., Kubzansky, L. D., & Berkman, L. F. (2021). Work redesign for the 21st century: Promising strategies for enhancing worker well-being. American Journal of Public Health, 111(10), 1787–1795. AJPH.2021.306283

9. McLellan, R. K. (2017). Work, health, and worker well-being: Roles and opportunities for employers. Health Affairs, 36(2), 206–213. hlthaff.2016.1150

10. MacLaury, J. (2019). A brief history: The U.S. Department of Labor. Retrieved from:

11. U.S. Department of Labor. (n.d.). Questions and answers about the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Retrieved from: whd/flsa/faq

12. Office for Civil Rights. (2009, January 15). Civil rights requirements – federal employment discrimination laws. Retrieved from: for-individuals/special-topics/needy-families

13. U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division. (2012). Fact sheet #28: The family and medical leave act. Retrieved from: WHD/legacy/files/whdfs28.pdf

14. U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division. (n.d.). The Americans with Disabilities Act. Retrieved from:

15. U.S. Department of Labor. (n.d.). Summary of the major laws of the Department of Labor | U.S. Department of Labor. Retrieved from: aboutdol/majorlaws

16. Brigham, T., Barden, C., Dopp, A. L., Hengerer, A., Kaplan, J., Malone, B., ...Nora, L. M. (2018). A Journey to Construct an All-Encompassing Conceptual Model of Factors Affecting Clinician Well-Being and Resilience. NAM Perspectives. https://

17. Schulte, P. A., Guerin, R. J., Schill, A. L., Bhattacharya, A., Cunningham, T.
R., Pandalai, S. P., Eggerth, D., & Stephenson, C. M. (2015). Considerations for Incorporating “Well-Being” in Public Policy for Workers and Workplaces. American Journal of Public Health, 105(8), e31–e44.

18. Hudson, H. L., S., N. J. A., Sauter, S. L., & American Psychological Association. (2019). In Total Worker Health (pp. 29–45). American Psychological Association.

19. Institute of Medicine, C. A. W. P. H. P. N. N. (2005). Integrating employee health: A model program for NASA.

20. U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration. (2016). Sustainability in the workplace: A new approach for advancing worker safety and health. Retrieved from: sustainability_paper.pdf

21. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). (2022). Addressing Burnout in the Behavioral Health Workforce through Organizational Strategies. Retrieved from: 06-02-005.pdf

22. Kinder, M. (2020, May 28). Essential but undervalued: Millions of health care workers aren’t getting the pay or respect they deserve in the COVID-19 pandemic. Brookings. undervalued

23. Case, A. & Deaton, A. (2020). Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism. Princeton University Press.

24. Sull, D., Sull, C., Cipolli, W., & Brighenti, C. (2022, March 16). Why every leader needs to worry about toxic culture. MIT Sloan Management Review. Retrieved from: culture/



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