instructional delivery services

...serving over 14,000 Ohio teachers since 2000

Mindset, Brain, and Education

Sandra Weaver


Course Description:  The primary purpose of this course is to examine best practices of brain-based teaching and learning to increase student achievement.  Participants will learn about the links between brain research and classroom success, specific brain-based strategies and various structures.

Course Objectives:

  • Examine research about brain-based teaching and learning
  • Summarize how the brain learns
  • Understand the dimensions, frameworks, principles and elements of brain-based teaching and learning
  • Identify brain-based principles to integrate within instruction
  • Become more consumer literate about brain research
  • Review and synthesize research about brain-based instruction
  • Understand the relationship between Mindset and motivation


Ahmad, Christopher. (2015). Skill:  40 Principles that Surgeons, Athletes and Other Elite Performers Use to Achieve Mastery. Lead Player LLC: New York.

Ambrose, Susan, Bridges, Michael, Lovett, Marsha, DiPietro, Michele, Norman, Marie. (2010). How Learning Works. Jossey-Bass: San Francisco, CA

Bailey, Francis and Pransky, Ken. 2014. Memory at work in the classroom: Strategies to help underachieving students. ASCD: Alexandra, VA

Beilock, Sian. (2015). How the body knows its mind. Atria: New York, NY.

Brown, P., Roediger, H., McDaniel, M. (2014). Make it stick: The science of successful learning. BelknapPress: Cambridge, MA.

Caine, R., Caine, G. (1994). Making connections: Teaching and the human brain. Addison-Wesley: Menlo Park, CA.

Caine, R., Caineg., McClintic, C., Klimek, K. (2005). 12 brain/mind learning principles in action. Corwin Press: Thousand Oaks, CA.

Carey, Benedict. (2014). How we learn. Random House: New York, NY.

Chapman, Sandra. (2013).  Make your brain smarter. Simon and Schuster: New York, NY.

Dweck, Carol. (2006).  Mindset: The new psychology of success. Random House; New York, NY.

Goleman, Daniel. (2013). Focus. Harper Collins: New York, NY.

Jensen,  Eric. (2008). Brain-based learning: The new paradigm of Teaching.  Corwin Press: New York, NY.

Kahneman, Daniel. (2011). Thinking,  Fast and Slow. Farrar, Straus and Giroux: New York, NY

Klemm, W. (2014). Mental biology:  The new science of how the brain and mind relate. Prometheus: Amherst, NY.

Medina, John. (2014). Brain Rules. Pear Press: Seattle, WA.

Oakley, B. (2014). A mind for numbers: How to excel at math and science. Penguin Group: New York, NY.

Ripley, Amanda. (2013). The Smartest Kids in the World. Simon and Schuster: New York, NY

Sousa, D. (2011).  How the brain learns. Corwin Press: Thousand Oaks, CA.

Tokuhama-Espinosa, Tracey. (2010). The New Science of Teaching and Learning. Teacher College Press: New York, NY.

Tough, Paul (2012). How Children Succeed. Mariner: New York, NY

Wagner, Tony. (2012).  Creating Innovators. Scribner:  New York, New York.

Willingham, Daniel. (2009).  Why Don’t Students Like School. Joss-Bass: San Francisco, CA

Willis, Judy. (2008). How Your Child Learns Best. Sourcebooks: Naperville, IL

Willis, Judy. (2006). Research-Based Strategies to Ignite Student Learning. ASCD:  Alexandria, VA

Zull, James. (2002). The Art of Changing the Brain. Stylus: Sterling, VA




Power Point: Why Mind, Brain and Education (attachment)

Article:  “Connecting Education and Cognitive Neuroscience” (attachment)

 SUBMISSION #1 Record 2 key ideas from each of the 4 sections.

Read Article:  Carol Tomlinson and David Sousa, “The Sciences of Teaching” ASCD

SUBMISSION #2 Under REFLECT & DISCUSS respond to the 3rd question.



Take Neuromyths Quiz (attachment)  Check your answers (attachment Quiz Answer Key)

Watch Ted Talk: Ben Ambridge: 10 Myths about Psychology, Debunked

  SUBMISSION #3 record 10 myths from Ted Talk

Read Chapter 5 – Weeding out Neuromyths  (attachment)

Retake Neuromyths Quiz

  For SUBMISSION #4 submit scores from Neuromyths quiz – first take and retake.



Take What’s My Mindset Assessment–

Watch Ted Talk: Carol Dweck:  The Power of Believing that You Can Improve

                  SUBMISSION #5 What was/is Dweck’s main message?

Read Carol Dweck’s Mindset book chapters 1-3* see submission #5 to guide your reading

SUBMISSION #6 Respond to the following questions: Chapter 1 – p.7 last bullet point scenario/question;

Chapter 2:  How does mindsets change the meaning of failure?  How does mindsets change the meaning of effort?; Chapter 3:  What are 3 key points you can use from this chapter in your professional and/or personal life?

Watch Ted Talk:  Eduardo Briceno, - “The Power of Belief”. 

SUBMISSION #7 What are the main “take-aways” from this Ted Talk?

Review website – “The Science” , “Why Mindset Matters”, “Changing Mindsets”, Teacher Practices” 

SUBMISSION #8 Record areas and items of interest to you.  Look for information that would be useful in your job setting.

Read 2 Articles “Growth Mindset for a more Empathetic and Collaborative World, Briceno, SGI’s Common Threads, 2017

and “Mindset 20/20, Dweck, Education Update, 2016  (Attachment)

SUBMISSION #9 Record key points and implications for instruction

Watch You tube video:  Carol Dweck – Talk to Google 

SUBMISSION #10 How can businesses use Carol Dweck’s mindset work?

SUBMISSION #11 Read chapter 7 from Mindset Book.  (2 Attachments)

As you read, record page and paragraph numbers and the point you find interesting or relevant.  This will help you to remember the point.

For example:

p. 13 paragraph 4 – The growth mindset makes you concerned with improving.



Begin recording “things” your brain LIKES and “things” your brain DOESN’T like as you explore the rest of this course.  These recordings will be used for SUBMISSION # 25

Read Article:  Jensen, Eric, “What is Brain-Based Learning”, Brain-Based Learning Strategies.” SUBMISSION #12 Create a “name” for each of the strategies; Be creative!! (Attachment)

Watch Ted Talk:  Daniel Amen: Change your Brain, Change your Life  

SUBMISSION #13 Want suggestions does Dr. Amen make?

Read Espinosa, Chapter 7 ‘Principles: Applying Universal Concepts about the Brain and Learning to Classroom Teaching .  (Attachment)

SUBMISSION #14 Choice a principle from each of the first 4 categories listed on p. 99, draw a simple picture to illustrate the principle – 1 page only for all 4 illustrations.  You can take a picture of your illustrations or scan them and then email or text it. (If you can’t email/text it to me, then write what you would draw to illustrate the principles.)

Divide your paper in half – Label with 2 categories:  Talent vs Hard Work.  As you watch Ted Talk:  Matthew Syed “Why You Should Have Your Own Black Box”. Write points under each category.  SUBMISSION #15


Read article “Curiosity Changes the Brain to Enhance Learning”

SUBMISSION #16 What are the implications for teachers?

Read Espinosa, Chapter 6 Tenets;:  Applying Knowledge about the Individual Nature of Learning to Classroom Teaching.(Attachment)

SUBMISSION #17 Based upon this reading, summarize the difference between principles and tenets; which of the tenets “information” might help you in your setting?


Read Article:  “You can Grow Your Intelligence” –student oriented article

SUBMISSION #18 View Power Point:  Understanding How the Brain Naturally Learns (Attachment)

Complete study guide (Attachment)

Watch Ted Talk:  Daniel Amen, “Lessons from Brain Scans”

SUBMISSION #19 What were the lessons Dr. Amen learned from brain scans?



Study Skills:  Read Brown and Roediger,  Make It Stick  Chapter 8  (2 Attachments)

SUBMISSION #20 As you read the chapter, record study ideas into 3 categories:  Suggestions for teachers, suggestions for students, suggestions for both teachers and students.



Teacher                                                                                           Student

Frequent quizzes                                                                       Write what you recall from the lesson



Watch Ted Talk:  Amy Cuddy, “Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are”

SUBMISSION #21 How might you use this information?

Watch: Ted Talk - Angela Lee Duckwork “Grit”

SUBMISSION #22 What are the key points shared by Angela Lee Duckworth?

Watch: Ted Talk - Robert Waldinger, “What Makes a Good Life?”

SUBMISSION #23 What is the main message Waldinger is trying to communicate? How might you apply this to your situation?

SUBMISSION #24 Find 2 websites relating to the brain and education. These websites can be for teacher, student or parent use.  Record website address and a few sentences about the website ie, who would use the website and for what purpose and why you choice this site.

SUBMISSION #25 Brain Likes and Dislikes journal







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