instructional delivery services

...serving over 14,000 Ohio teachers since 2000

Diverse Learners in Your Classroom


Laura Augustine



Amy Keefer



Course Description:  Survey characteristics of diverse learners including students with disabilities and at-risk concerns.  Provides knowledge and practice, regarding the general educator’s role related to professional collaboration, and curricular adaptations/modifications.


1.  Demonstrate FAPE as defined by state law and federal law (IDEA)

2.  Gain knowledge of educational techniques and strategies that can be used in the general education setting to facilitate the successful inclusion of students with disabilities and other educational needs.

3.  Apply knowledge of education techniques and strategies to create instructional modification and accommodation to foster successful inclusion for students with disabilities and other educational needs in the general education/classroom setting.

4.  Demonstrate knowledge of various alternatives for increasing access to general education curriculum for students with learning differences.

5.  Gain knowledge and understanding leading to an accepting and understanding attitude toward the role of the general educator in fostering inclusive practices, and toward inclusion of children with disabilities and other educational needs in the general education/classroom setting.

Instructional Methods

Readings, written responses, power points, videos and analysis.

Graded Course Assignments

1.  Learning Strategy Presentation (50 points) – develop a presentation on a learning strategy to support the learning of either a person with Dyslexia or a person with ADHD in a curriculum area of your choosing.  The strategy needs to:      

     a.  Cover the purpose of the strategy        

     b.  Cover the steps of the strategy.

     c.  Provide an example utilizing the steps.

     d.  Provide a PDF  that will help others use the strategy in their classroom.

2.  Websites Search – (25 points) Locate 5 websites that pertain to persons with disabilities/differences  and/or educating special needs students.  At least one website must pertain to ADHD and one website must pertain to Dyslexia. The other websites can be about Dyslexia and ADHD or other learning differences teachers may encounter as they work with diverse populations.  These need to be websites from professional organizations or resource websites.  You will need to write a summary of each site that includes the following:

●      Link to the site

●      Type of disability/difference/different need addressed

●      One thorough paragraph explaining what you found helpful on this site, why you would recommend it, and to whom you would recommend the site (parents, families, gen. ed. teachers, paraprofessionals, administration)

●      Cost to use site

3.  Issue/Interest Exploration – (25 points) Choose an issue or area of interest related to meeting the needs of learners with disabilities or learning challenges  within the general education classroom.   Research current trends in your area of interest.  Create a slide presentation (powerpoint or google slides) you could use to do a short professional development for your staff to teach them about your topic of interest.  The slide show must include:

●      Title Slide with your name and topic

●      One slide explaining why you chose this topic to study/explore

●      7-10 informational slides

●      Slides could include one video link, links to articles or websites that help educate others about your topic

4.  Module Completion Forms- (40 points) Complete each Google Form after viewing the videos and slideshows in each module. There are four module completion forms, each worth ten points for a total of 40 points.

Learning Modules

Module 1 (Intro./ SLD/ ED and Behavior)

●       Syllabus

●       View the IEP vs. 504 Powerpoint and video

●       View Powerpoint “What Does General Education Access Mean?”

●       View Powerpoint “Learning Disabilities Intervention Strategies for Specific Areas”

●       View Powerpoint “Teaching ED/Behavior Students”

Module 2 (Dyslexia)

●       View Dyslexia Playlist

●       View Dyslexia Bootcamp Powerpoint

●       View Top 5 Dyslexia TedTalks

●       Dyslexia Continued… Pick 3 of the 5 Ted Talks on this playlist to view

●       Supporting Dyslexic Learners in your Classroom Powerpoint

Module 3 (ADHD and Executive Functioning)

●       PowerPoint:  ADHD students

●       The Importance of Organization and Routine

●       Increasing Time on Task

●       Structure and Schedules

●       Powerpoint:  Executive Function Weaknesses and ways to support students with weak executive functioning skills.

●       Ted Talk “What Happens in your Brain When you Pay Attention”

●       Ted Talk

Module 4 (Co-Teaching)

●      View Powerpoint 9 Ways to Adapt Instruction

●      Co-teaching in the inclusive classroom view the video Co-teaching is a marriage.  Link below


●      View the video Common Co-Teaching Challenges Link below


●      Six Approaches to Co-Teaching slideshow

●      Co Teaching Planning Guide



Dawson, Peg & Guare, Richard (2009) Smart but Scattered

Dawson, Peg & Guare, RIchard (2018) Executive Skills in Children and Adolescents: A Practical Guide to Assessments and Intervention (3rd Edition)

Moraine, Paula (2012) Helping Students Take Control of Everyday Executive Functions: The Attention Fix

Searle, Margaret & Swartz, Marilyn (2020) Solving Academic and Behavior Problems: A Strengths Based Guide for Teachers and Teams

Searle, Margaret (2013) Causes & Cures in the Classroom: Getting to the Root of Academic and Behavior Problems

Shaywitz, Sally (2020) Overcoming Dyslexia (2nd Edition)

3482 County Road 10 | Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311 | 216-406-5556

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