...serving over 14,000 Ohio teachers since 2000
Creating a Trauma Sensitive K-12 Classroom
Sonequa Reeves, M.Ed
Course Description:
A course for K-12 educators interested in learning strategies for working
with students who have experienced trauma. Primary emphasis on this course will be
understanding the effect of trauma on school age children developing and using strategies to
reach children in trauma and develop lesson plans on trauma to use in the classroom.
Lesson Objectives:
● Come to a common understanding of the concept and definition of trauma
● Attain a basic understanding of how trauma affects the brain and the nervous system
● Identify common indicators of trauma
● Understand the implications of these effects on learning and on students in an educational setting
● Demonstrate understanding of these concepts and how they inform instructional practice
● Create a plan for self-care using tools for teacher well-being
Learning Experiences:
Completion of all specified assignments is required for issuance of credit.
Materials Needed:
● Computer with access to the internet
● Gmail Account required
List of Recommended Texts:
Souers, Kristin Author (2016)
Hall, Peter, Author
Fostering Resilient Learners: Strategies for Creating a Trauma-Sensitive Classroom
Iberline, Jeanie M (2017)
Ruyle, Mike
Cultivating Mindfulness in the Classroom
Module One:
● Social Emotional Daily Check In (One)
● Assignment #1: Introduce yourself, include your background, experience in education, and reasons for taking this course. ( 2 page minimum requirement)
● Assignment #2: Independent Reading: Ch 1 Understanding Trauma and the Prevalence of the Not-OK: Chapter Summary ( minimum 1 page)
● Assignment #3: TED Talk: How Childhood Trauma Affects Health Across a Lifetime Summary Response to TED Talk ( minimum 1 page)
Module Two:
● Social Emotional Daily Check In (Two)
● Assignment #4: Independent Reading: Ch 2: The Manifestation of ACEs in the Classroom (chapter summary one page minimum)
● Assignment #5: TED Talk: How teachers can help students navigate trauma (one page minimum summary)
● Assignment #6: Independent Reading : Ch1~Research & Theory and Ch 2 Stress Reduction ( use these chapters to begin thinking about final project)
Module Three:
● Social Emotional Daily Check In (Three)
● Assignment #7: TED Talk: How to Fix a Broken School? Lead Fearlessly, Love Hard ( one page minimum summary)
● Assignment #8: TED Talk: Flipping Your Lid: A Scientific Explanation (one page minimum summary)
● Assignment #9: Independent Reading: Ch 3: Cement Shoes: Staying True to Who You Are
● Assignment #10: Independent Reading: Ch 4: Staying Out of Oz: Remaining Grounded Amid Chaos.
Module Four:
● Social Emotional Daily Check In (Four)
● Assignment #11: TED Talk: Every Kid needs a Champion Summary Response TED Talk ( minimum 1 page)
● Assignment #12: TED Talk: Creative Ways to Get Kids to Thrive in School Summary Response TED Talk ( minimum 1 page)
● Assignment #13: Final Assignment
○ Option #1: Find 5 resources online that provide additional learning in any of the following areas:
■ Trauma-informed teaching
■ Trauma and the brain and or self-care for teachers
○ Option #2: Identify 5 things that your current school or district or previous school or district could initiate or change in order to better serve the needs of students experiencing trauma and teachers working with traumatized students. ( If you are not associated with a school or district, develop a plan that could be implemented at most schools and districts).
Your plan can include professional development ,wellness time/activities, specific interventions, supports, curricula, communication plan etc.
Module Five:
● Social Emotional Daily Check In (Five)
● Course Evaluation
● 10%= Social Emotional Check Ins
● 10%= Introduction
● 20%= Chapter Readings
● 60%= summaries and video discussions
** Syllabus tentative and subject to change at the instructor’s discretion.
3482 County Road 10 | Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311 | 216-406-5556
2018 © Instructional Delivery Services