instructional delivery services

...serving over 14,000 Ohio teachers since 2000



Sandra Weaver

Online Course

COURSE DESCRIPTION:  This course explores the difference between project based learning and “doing a project”.  Gold standard lessons and the essential elements of problem based learning will be reviewed.  Students will design and complete their own project based learning activity.


  • Students will understand the difference between Project Based Learning and “doing a project”.
  • Students will identify the essential elements of Project Based Learning.
  • Students will be able to identify gold standard projects.
  • Students will incorporate the essential elements of Project Based Learning in their own project.
  • Participants will complete their designed projects in order to be able to empathize with their students.

Larmer, John. Mergendoller, John. Boss Suzie. (2015). Setting the Standard for Project Based Learning. ASCD. Alexandria, VA. (provided)


Boss, S..  &  Krauss, J.  (2014). Reinventing project-based learning:  Your field guide to real-world projects in the digital age (2nd ed.), Eugene, OR:  International Society for Technology in Education.

Boss, S., Larmer, John. (2018). Project Based Teaching:  How to Create Rigorous and Engaging Learning Experiences. ASCD. Alexandria, VA.

Condliffe, B., Quint, J., Visher, M.G., Bangser, M. R., Drohojowska, S. Saco, L., and Nelson, E. (2017). Project Based Learning: A Literature Review, 1-78. New York, NY: MDRC.

Dean, C.B. (2012) . Classroom Instruction that works:  Research-based strategies for Increasing student achievement.  ASCD. Alexandria VA.

Duke, N., Halvorsen, A-L., Strachan, S. L., Kim, J., Konstantopoulos, S. (2017). Putting PBL to the Test: The Impact of Project-based Learning on Second-grade Students’ Social Studies and Literacy Learning and Motivation, 1-50. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan.

Halvorsen, A., Duke, N. K. , Brugar, K., Block, M., Strachan, S., Baerka, M., & Brown, J. (2014). Narrowing the achievement gap in second-grade social studies and content area literacy:  The promise of a project-based approach.  Working Paper #26. East Lansing, MI:  Education Policy Center at Michigan State University.

Kingston, S. (2018). Project Based Learning & Student Achievement: What Does the Research Tell Us? PBL Evidence Matters. 1(1), 1-11.

Mergendoller, J. R. (2016). What Can We Learn from John Hattie about Project Based Learning? Novato, CA: PBLWorks.

McDowell, Michael (2017). Rigorous PBL by Design:  Three Shifts for Developing Confident and Competent Learners. Corwin Press, Thousands Oaks, CA.

Organization for Economic Development (OWCD) (2014). PISA 2012 results: Creative problem solving:  Students ’skills in tackling real-life problems (Vol. V).

Saavedra, A.,  Rapaport, A.,Marwah, E., Carle, J., Liu, Y., Johnson, S. J.,  Li, J., Hoepfner, D., Garland, M. (2019). Shifting to project-based learning in the Advanced Placement context. Unpublished manuscript.

Thomas, J. W. (2000). A Review of the Research on Project-Based Learning, 1-45. San Rafael, CA: The Autodesk.

Wiggins, Gl. (2014, May). Fixing the high school-Student Survey, Part 1(blog post).


Why Project Based Learning?

1. Read Setting the Standard for Project Based Learning pp.1-23

What is Gold Standard Problem Based Learning

  1.Read Setting the Standard for Project Based Learning pp. 29 - 53

  2. Go to  (Buck Institute for Education)

Hover over What is PBL? Click on Gold Standard Project

a. Review/read information on page.

b. Click on See All Gold Standard Videos

“Watch Project Based Learning in Action” – choice one video to watch

c.  Scroll to bottom of page to: “Useful Articles for Each Gold Standard Design Element”  Choose 1 article to review under each topic. 

SUBMISSION #1  - Submit a paragraph summarizing the important points of each of the 6 design elements articles read.


What Does Research Say About Project Based Learning?

   1.  Read Setting the Standard for Project Based Learning pp. 54-65


Designing a Project

  1.  Read Setting the Standard for Project Based Learning pp. 66-71

  2.  Go to  (Buck Institute for Education)

Click on What is PLB?

Scroll down to “How does Project Based Learning differ from ‘doing a project’?”

Click on “Learn More About “Dessert” Projects vs PBL

            Read page.

Take Quiz SUBMISSION #2 Your Score!

  3.  Read Setting the Standard for Project Based Learning pp. 71-98

  4.  Go to  (Buck Institute for Education)

Hover over What is PLB?  Click on “Gold Standard Teaching Practices”

a.Read/review page; continue to Gold Standard PBL Teaching Practices Tutorials.  Click on “See all 8 Gold Standard PBL Teaching Practices Videos”

b.Watch Video: Design and Plan (note important points)

c.Watch Video:  Align to Standards (note important points)

SUBMISSION #3 – Notes on 2 videos (b. and c.)

5.  Read Setting the Standard for Project Based Learning pp. 99-102

6.  Go to  (Buck Institute for Education)

Hover over What is PLB?  Click on “Gold Standard Teaching Practices”

d.Continue to Gold Standard PBL Teaching Practices Tutorials.  Click on See all 8 Gold Standard PBL Teaching Practices Videos

e.Watch Video: Build the Culture- Student Voice and Independence (note important points)

f.Watch Video:  Build the Culture – Look and Feel of the Classroom (note important points)

SUBMISSION #4 – Notes on 2 videos (e. and f.)

7.  Read Setting the Standard for Project Based Learning pp. 102-121

8. Go to  (Buck Institute for Education)

 Hover over What is PLB?  Click on “Gold Standard Teaching Practices”

g.Continue to Gold Standard PBL Teaching Practices Tutorials.  Click on See all 8 Gold Standard PBL Teaching Practices Videos

h.Watch Video: Manage Activities (note important points)

i.Watch Video:  Scaffold Student Learning (note important points)

SUBMISSION #5 – Notes on 2 videos (h. and i.)

9. Read Setting the Standard for Project Based Learning pp. 121-131

10.  Go to  (Buck Institute for Education)

 Hover over What is PLB?  Click on “Gold Standard Teaching Practices”

j.Continue to Gold Standard PBL Teaching Practices Tutorials.  Click on See all 8 Gold Standard PBL Teaching Practices Videos

k.Watch Video: Assessing Student Learning (note important points)

l.Watch Video:  Engage and Coach (note important points)

SUBMISSION #6 – Notes on 2 videos (k. and l.)


Final Project: 

Participants choose between creating a project based learning unit for their students or designing and implementing a teacher project (for example: revise reading assessments for a literature unit; investigate research on a topic of interest; read a professional book and design discussion questions to be used in a book study)

            Project Based Learning Unit for Students

1.Consult with instructor (Sandy) via phone or email, sharing idea for project.

2.Review Project Design Rubric

3.Complete the Project Planner for Students


Teacher Project

1.Consult with instructor (Sandy) via phone or email, sharing idea for project.

2.Review Project Planner –Charlotte’s Web (example of teacher project)

3.Complete Project Planner for Teacher

4.Complete the project you designed.



Submission Activities– 30 pts

Completion and Sharing of Final Project- 70 pts








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