instructional delivery services

...serving over 14,000 Ohio teachers since 2000


Dr. Craig Weaver
Sandra Weaver

Course Description:

The practicum integrates theory into the actual practice of leadership.  Students will be involved in structured field experiences designed to demonstrate their competency in achieving the Teacher Leadership Endorsement Standards.


Students are required to have completed:

Ethics and Principles of Teacher Leadership

Measurement Based Decision Making in Professional Learning Communities

Collaborative Coaching for Improving Instruction

Teacher Leader Standards Addressed:

Standard 1.

Teacher Leader Candidates know and demonstrate skill in evidence-based principles of effective leadership and teacher learning.

1.2 Candidates demonstrate skill in managing the change process by assisting and supporting teacher learning through professional development.

1.3 Candidates understand and apply strategies that assist adult learning and development.

1.4 Candidates respect the diversity of the school staff, teachers, administrators and other personnel.

1.5 Candidates engage in reflective practice concerning leadership roles and responsibilities, and encourage reflective practice in others.

1.6 Candidates assume leadership roles at the school, district, state or national levels and in professional organizations.

1.7 Candidates facilitate the development of efficacy among other teachers in their school and district.


Standard 2.

Teacher Leader candidates promote the use of data-based decisions and evidence-based practice.

2.1 Candidates serve as building leaders in the development, implementation, and continuous improvement of a comprehensive, cohesive, and integrated school assessment plan grounded in multiple measures and data sources.


Standard 3.

Teacher Leader candidates facilitate a collaborative learning culture.

3.2 Candidates nurture open and effective lines of communication with students, parents, other educators, administrators, and the community through professional learning communities.

3.3 Candidates work with stakeholders to identify appropriate resources for enhancing collaboration.

3.4 Candidates facilitate collaborative professional learning activities for educators, families, and the community.


Standard 4.

Teacher Leader candidates participate in developing and supporting a shared vision and clear goals for their schools.

4.2 Candidates advocate for and initiate increased opportunities for teamwork to promote and support student achievement and other school goals.

4.3 Candidates participate in designing practices and structures that create and maintain an effective learning culture.

4.4 Candidates support other school leadership team members in advocating and communicating the school vision and goals.


Standard 5.

Teacher Leader Candidates promote and model ongoing professional learning and improved practice within a learning community.

5.1 Candidates use their knowledge of professional standards, including the Standards for Ohio Educators to support teachers’ professional growth.

5.2 Candidates work effectively with individuals and groups of teachers by demonstrating the skills and competencies needed to teach adult learners.

5.4 Candidates develop, implement and evaluate professional activities for teachers.

5.5 Candidates engage in activities that promote reflective practice in others.

5.6 Candidates model professional, ethical behavior and expect it from others.


Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession (OSTP) Addressed:

Standard 6.

Teachers collaborate and communicate with students, parents, other educators, administrators and the community to support student learning.

Standard 7.

Teachers assume responsibility for professional growth, performance and involvement as an individual and as a member.

Ohio Standards for Professional Development (OSPD) Addressed:
Standard 1. 

High Quality Professional Development (HQPD) is a purposeful, structured and continuous process that occurs over time.

Standard 2.

High Quality Professional Development (HQPD) is informed by multiple sources of data.

Course Objectives:

  1. Identify the learning needs of diverse adult learners – TLS 1.3, 1.4, 5.2
  2. Articulate the importance of building positive working relationships to enhance school reform – TLS 3.3, 5.2; OSTP 6
  3. Demonstrates the knowledge, skills and values to design, implement and assess the effectiveness of professional development – TLS 1.2, 4.3, 5.1,5.6;


  1. Design and critique various professional learning activities based on research, Standards for Ohio Educators and Ohio Standards for Professional Development – TLS 5.1; OSTP 7
  2. Design and implement processes, procedures and protocols to augment teachers’ learning experiences – TLS 3.4; OSTP 7
  3. Reflect on personal and professional image as a teacher leader – TLS 1.5
  4. Examine how professional development acts as a process for school improvement  - TLS 1.2; OSTP 6
  5. Develop a professional development plan based upon school vision, student data and a teacher professional development needs assessment – TLS 2.1, 4.2, 4.4, 5.1, 5.4; OSTP 7
  6. Encourage teacher reflection through use of needs assessment and specific feedback  - TLS 1.5, 1.7, 5.5; OSTP 7
  7. Craft assessment measures to determine effectiveness of professional development – TLS 4.3, 5.1, 5.4; OSTP 7
  8. Provide leadership for full implementation of a school and/or district professional development plan – TLS 5.4; OSTP 7
  9. Articulate how teacher leaders develop professionalism through association with state and national organizations – TLS 1.6; OSTP 7
  10. Describe the importance of effective communication with all stakeholders – TLS 3.2; OSTP 6

Ohio Teacher Leader Standards

Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession

Ohio Standards for Professional Development


Needs Assessment Instrument:  Students will design a professional development needs assessment based on school/district goals.  This self-selected instrument will be used to guide professional development presentation.

Professional Development Plan: Students will develop a professional development implementation plan based upon district/school goals, professional development needs assessment, current research and the Ohio Standards for Professional Development (OSPD).  The plan will contain long and short-term objectives and implementation timeline.  Each objective should incorporate OSPD Standard 1.1 – The objectives and vision for professional development are clear, focused and aligned with school and district priorities and state and national goals. Objectives will be based on data in alignment with OSPD Standard 2.1 School, district, state and national data related to student achievement are analyzed to determine the focus and content for professional development.

Professional Development Presentation: Students will create a Power Point presentation to lead professional development on a topic based upon their school improvement plan and professional development needs assessment.  This presentation should be at least 30 minutes in length. A detailed agenda will be submitted to instructor prior to the presentation.  The same presentation will be delivered to class members at the final meeting at Notre Dame College, December 1 at 1:00 p.m.

Professional Development Feedback Instrument: Students will research and develop a feedback instrument to be used to assess effectiveness of professional development activities.

Practicum Journal:  Students will keep a weekly reflective journal illustrating the candidate’s mastery of the Teacher Leader Standards.  Entries will be submitted via email to instructor each week by Thursday. 




Needs Assessment Instrument

Obj: 1, 9, 10, 11

TLS:1.4, 1.7, 3.3, 4.4, 5.1


Professional Development Plan

Obj: 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11

TLS: 1.2, 2.1, 3.4, 4.2, 4.3, 5.1, 5.2, 5.4


Professional Development Presentation

Obj: 3, 5, 8, 11

TLS: .3, 1.6, 1.7, 3.4, 4.3, 5.1, 5.2


Professional Development Feedback Instrument

Obj: 3, 9, 10

TLS: 5.1, 5.2, 5.4, 5.5


Practicum Journal

Obj: 2, 6, 12, 13

TLS: 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 3.2, 5.6





Rubric for:  Needs Assessment Instrument



8-10 Points

5-7 Points

2-4 Points


Multiple instructional strategies and topics are included based upon school/district objectives.  Valid data collection can be obtained from the needs assessment instrument to be used to guide professional development presentation.

Several instructional strategies and topics are included and may be based upon school/district objectives.  Valid data collection can be obtained from the needs assessment instrument to be used to guide professional development presentation.

Limited instructional strategies and topics are included which may be based upon school/district objectives.  Valid data collection may not be obtained from the needs assessment instrument to be used to guide professional development presentation.






Rubric for:  Professional Development Plan



8-10 Points

5-7 Points

2-4 Points


Plan is clearly based on district/school objectives.  Multiple sources including student data and teacher needs assessment are used to support plan.  Specific and measurable long and short term objectives are stated. Implementation time is realistic.


Plan is somewhat based on district/school objectives.  Several data sources are used to support plan. Short and long term objectives may not be specific and measurable.

Implementation time may not be realistic.


Plan is not clearly based on district/school objectives.  Data sources are limited and may not support plan. Long and short term objectives are not specific or measureable. Implementation time is not realistic.



Activities support the objectives. Professional development strategies are based on research and sustainability. 

Some of activities support the objectives. Some of professional development strategies are based on research and sustainability. 

A limited number of activities support the objectives. Professional development strategies are not based on research and sustainability. 

Total points




Project Total





Rubric for:  Professional Development Presentation



8-10 Points

5-7 Points

2-4 Points


Objectives are clearly stated.  Presentation is well organized and reflects preparation.

Elements of instructional framework are evident.

Objectives are stated.  Presentation is organized but does not reflect a great deal of preparation.

Some elements of instructional framework are evident.

Objectives are not clearly stated.  Presentation is not well organized.

Many elements of instructional framework are missing.


Multimedia is used to clarify and illustrate key points.  Powerpoint reflects creativity. 

Multimedia is used but does not always clarify and illustrate key points.

Powerpoint reflects some creativity.

Multimedia is used.

Powerpoint is at a basic level.


Strategies used reflect research on diverse adult learners.  Audience is actively engaged throughout presentation.  Activities are varied. Retrieval quiz is administered.

Some strategies used reflect research on diverse adult learners.  Audience is sometimes actively engaged in the presentation.  Activities are varied.

Quiz is not reflective of key points.

Most strategies used do not reflect research on diverse adult learners.  Audience is actively engaged on a limited basis. Activities lack variety. Retrieval quiz is not administered.


Rate and volume of speaking is at a level where all can follow. Agenda is detailed.  Pace of presentation is appropriate. Presentation is at least 30 minutes in length.


Rate and volume of speaking is sometimes at a level where it is difficult to follow. Agenda is distributed.  Pace of presentation is at times not appropriate. Presentation is 30 minutes in length

Rate and volume of speaking is at a level where some cannot follow. Agenda is missing.  Pace of presentation is not appropriate. Presentation is less than 30 minutes in length

Total points




Project Total





Rubric for:  Professional Development Feedback Instrument



8-10 Points

5-7 Points

2-4 Points


Instrument addresses achievement of presentation objectives, sustainability, appropriateness of activities and future needs. Items are written with detail and clarity.

Instrument addresses 2 of the following:  achievement of presentation objectives, sustainability, appropriateness of activities and future needs. Items are written with some detail and clarity.

Instrument addresses  only one of the following: achievement of presentation objectives, sustainability, appropriateness of activities and future needs. Items are written with little detail and clarity.

Total Points






Rubric for:  Practicum Journal



8-10 Points

5-7 Points

2-4 Points


All standards are met. Activities clearly reflect the standards.

Some standards (6-4) are met. Some activities clearly reflect the standards.

Less than 4 standards are met. Activities do not clearly reflect the standards.


Reflections demonstrate knowledge of the standards.  Entries are detailed and complete with dates. Strengths and weaknesses are addressed. All entries are submitted on time.

Some reflections demonstrate knowledge of the standards.  Some entries are detailed and complete with dates. Some strengths and weaknesses are addressed. 1-2 entries are submitted late.

Reflections rarely demonstrate knowledge of the standards.  Most entries are not detailed and complete. Few strengths and weaknesses are addressed. More than 2 entries are submitted late.

Total points




Project Total





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