...serving over 14,000 Ohio teachers since 2000
Course Number | Course |
ED 5705 | A.I. for Educators |
ED 5745 | All Things Google |
ED 5743 | Autism Insights for K-12 General Education Classroom |
ED 5714 | Bringing Science of Reading to Life |
ED 5725 | Building a Classroom Culture |
ED 5719 | Co-Teaching in the K-12 Environment |
ED 5738 | Collaborative Coaching |
ED 5723 | Connecting Brain, Mind, and Instructional Design: An Overview |
ED 5728 | Creating a Trauma Sensitive K-12 Classroom |
ED 5709 | Differentiating Instruction |
Diverse Learners in Your Classroom | |
ED 5700 | Diverse Technology Applications |
ED 5734 | Educator Journaling |
ED 5735 | Educator Wellness |
ED 5736 | Ethics and Principles of Teacher Leader |
ED 5741 | Finding the Sweet Spot in Education |
ED 5708 | Google Advanced Training |
ED 5701 | Google Apps and More |
ED 5703 | Google Apps and More II |
ED 5707 | Google Fundamental |
ED 5702 | Google in the Digital Classroom |
ED 5704 | Google in the Digital Classroom II |
ED 5706 | Google Sites |
ED 5740 | Google Slides |
How Brain Processes Give Rise to the Mind | |
ED 5724 | How the Mind Generates Instructional Design and Learning |
ED 5742 | How to Become an Instructional Coach |
ED 5717 | IEP’s, WEP’s & 504’s Oh My! |
ED 5727 | Managing Behaviors with SEL Strategies |
ED 5737 | Measurement Based Decision Making in PLC |
ED 5720 | Meeting the Needs of Gifted Learners |
ED 5733 | Mindset, Brain and Education |
ED 5744 | PBIS 101 in K-12 Environment |
ED 5721 | Perfectionism: The Anxious Student |
ED 5739 | Practicum in Teacher Leadership |
ED 5722 | Project Based Learning |
ED 5711 | Reading Assessment: Best Practies for Teachers |
ED 5710 | Reading Comprehension: A Quest for Clarity |
ED 5713 | Science of Reading 3-5 |
ED 5712 | Science of Reading K-2 |
ED 5730 | Social Emotional Learning |
ED 5726 | Student Mindset and Classroom Management |
ED 5732 | Teaching After Critical Change |
ED 5729 | Teaching Students from Poverty |
ED 5715 | Techniques to Check for Understanding |
ED 5716 | The Science of Dyslexia |
ED 5731 | What We Say to Students Matters |
ED 5718 | What Works in the K-12 Special and Inclusive K-12 |
3482 County Road 10 | Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311 | 216-406-5556
2018 © Instructional Delivery Services