instructional delivery services

...serving over 14,000 Ohio teachers since 2000

Center for Continuing & Professional Development

Instructional Delivery Services®

3482 County Rd 10 Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311


Autism Insights for the K-12 General Education Classroom

Sonequa Reeves, M.Ed


Course Description: This course is for educators seeking a deeper understanding of students with autism. It is specially tailored for educators who teach in the general education setting and want to understand and add to their toolbox so they can provide for the needs of their neurodiverse students. Special education teachers and support staff will also benefit from this course due to the significant growth in the field of autism, including changes in the diagnosis, interventions, inclusion, and acceptance.

Course Topics:

○ An overview of autism

○ Exploring different aspects of the disorder

○ Practical strategies to support students in the school setting

This course is appropriate for Pre-K-12 teachers, administrators, support staff and parents.

Learning Outcomes:

● An understanding of the fundamentals of autism, including the components of an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnosis, placements, programs, and support in school/community settings.

● Addressed anxiety by learning strategies to create a calm and reassuring classroom. ● Discovered effective approaches to address executive function challenges in the classroom.

● An understanding of sensory sensitivities and how to mitigate sensory stress in the classroom.

● An understanding of how communication challenges impact socialization and identity strategies for support, both in interactions with adults and peers.

● Identified the five most likely reasons that are not oppositional or defiant in nature that lead to behavioral struggles and identify strategies for responding to disruptive behavior in the classroom.

Course Requirements:

Completion of all specified assignments. The use of artificial intelligence is not permitted. Assignment responses found to be generated by AI will not be accepted.

Required Text:

The General Education Teacher’s Guide to Autism by Barbara Boroson, 2022: Solution Tree Press,Bloomington, IN 232 pages ISBN: 9781954631137

Session 1:

Assignment 1: Introducing yourself: Read the introduction from the course text and introduce yourself with a 1-2 page double spaced statement that includes: ● Description of your current professional situation

● What brings you the most joy, and what are your greatest challenges in your work? ● What outcomes do you hope to achieve in taking this course?

● What are some of your thoughts on this initial reading from the course text? Assignment 2: Autism Overview Read Chapter 1: Autism Overview Write a 1-2 page doble spaced summary that includes the following:

● Describe the criteria for an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis.

● Describe the varied kinds of placements, programs, and supports for ASD students.

Session 2:

Assignment 3: Anxiety Read Chapter 2 Anxiety Write a 1-2 page double spaced summary that includes the following:

● Identify and describe the two (2) kinds of situations at school that trigger anxiety for ASD students and put them into a hypervigilant defense mode.

● Identify and describe at least two (2) strategies for easing anxiety for these students in your classroom or work situation.

Assignment 4: Executive Function Read Chapter 3: Executive Function Write a 1-2 page double spaced summary that includes the following:

● Define executive function.

● Identify and discuss the three (3) broad areas of cognition that executive dysfunction impacts.

● Identify and describe at least three (3) strategies for boosting ASD students’ executive functioning skills (academic and/ or behavioral).

Session 3:

Assignment 5: Sensation Read Chapter 4: sensation Write a 1-2 page double spaced summary that includes the following:

● A comparison between the sensory systems of neurotypical vs. neurodiverse students. ● Describe briefly how autism can affect the five (5) senses.

● Identify and describe at least three (3) ways to mitigate sensory stress in your classroom or work situation.

Assignment 6: Communication & Socialization Complete A or B but not both: ● Choice A: Read Chapter 5: Communication & Socialization Write a 1-2 page double spaced summary that includes the following:

○ Describe at least 3 struggles that ASD students have in communication & socialization.

○ Identify & describe at least 2 strategies for supporting communication & socialization.

○ Identify & describe at least 2 ways you can help neurotypical & neurodiverse peers interact in a respectful and positive manner.

Choice B: If a teacher were to use some of the strategies in this chapter, how do you think it would affect a student’s attitude about him/herself, the teacher, and the school? Explain in 2-4 pages double spaced.

Session 4:

Assignment 7: Disruptive Behavior Read Chapter 7 Disruptive Behavior At the beginning of this chapter, the author wrote, “... most disruptive behaviors emerge when basic needs for



comfort and safety are not met… Once you are able to identify the anxiety trigger, a sensory stressor, or other source of unrest lurking at the root of disruptive behavior, please look back at the chapter that addresses that area of challenge to remind yourself how to alleviate it”. So, this reading and written assignment brings together the previous learning from assignments 1-6. The purpose of this assignment is to understand the problem that the behavior is messaging so you can identify the environmental triggers or lack of skills to be addressed in order to mitigate the disruptive behaviors. Complete one of the following options: Choice A: Write a 2-3 page double spaced detailed summary including the following information:

● Choose a student who has been diagnosed on the autism spectrum and is struggling with disruptive behavior(s).

● Share basic case study information ( please change the name for privacy). ● Identify and describe the concerning behavior(s) and be sure to reference the five most likely reasons discussed on pages 139-140 in the course text.

● Be sure to include at least 3 strategies that could be employed to support this student by alleviating the stressors and improving their behavior.

● *If you do not know a student with an ASD diagnosis, you may create a fictional summary, although if it is possible to meet a student and gain information from their parents or teachers, that may be more beneficial.

Choice B: Another assignment of your own design, with the instructor’s prior approval, is equivalent in rigor and length to Choice A.

Assignment 8: Lesson Plan Complete one of the following options:

Choice A: Adapt a lesson to reflect what you’ve learned in this course:

● Implement your lesson with students in your classroom.

● Write a 250-500 word commentary on what worked well & what could be improved. ● Include any student feedback on your lesson.

● Submit your lesson to IDS instructor

Choice B: Use this option if you do not have a classroom available

● Adapt a lesson to reflect what you’ve learned in this course. ( Do not implement it). ● Write a 500 + word article on the subject/topic of this course.

● Submit your article to IDS instructor

Session 5:

Assignment 9: Google Slides Presentation Create a presentation to share with your staff summarizing each section from this course ( six learning outcomes). Be sure to focus on practical strategies for educators.

Assignment 10: Integration Paper Self Reflection & Integration Paper

( Please do not write this paper until you’ve completed all of your other assignments) Write a 400-500 word integration paper answering these 5 questions:

1. What did you learn vs what you expected to learn from this course?

2. What aspects of the course were most helpful and why?

3. What further knowledge and skills in this general area do you feel you need? 4. How, when , and where will you use what you have learned?

5. How and with what other school or community members might you share what you learned?



Course Evaluation



Grading Procedures:

Participation/SEL: 10 points / 50 points total

Assignments 100 points / 800 points total

Summaries /lesson plan 150 points/ 150 points total

Final Project 300 points

Total: 1300 points




Potential Method of

Potential Assessment


Evaluate the fundamentals of autism, including the

components of an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnosis, placements,

programs, and support in school/community settings.

● Assigned readings

Written assignment

● Online tasks

Evaluate effective

approaches to address

executive function challenges in the classroom.

● Assigned readings

Written assignment

● Online tasks

Analyze effective approaches to address executive function challenges in the classroom.

● Assigned readings

Written assignment

● Online tasks

Evaluate the five most likely reasons that are not

oppositional or defiant in nature that lead to behavioral struggles and identify

strategies for responding to disruptive behavior in the classroom.

● Assigned readings

Written assignment

● Online tasks





3482 County Road 10 | Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311 | 216-406-5556

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